Notice - Lands Open for Staking
Available lands are listed with the Open Date to indicate the date available for online claim staking.

Disclaimer: This list is provided for convenience. The Newfoundland and Labrador Gazette publishes notices in accordance with Section 62 (Licence surrender and cancellation) of The Mineral Regulations and should be consulted for confirmation. They are available for online staking 32 days after publication at 9:00 AM.

The lands are outlined on 1:50 000 scale maps maintained by the Department of Natural Resources. Exempt Mineral Lands described in CNLR 1143/96 and 71/98, 104/98, 97/2000, 36/2001, 31/2004, 78/2006, 8/2008, 28/2009 and 5/2013 are not included.